Creating Solutions through Social Problems


Headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Walton Williams & Jones Holdings (WW& J) is a Private Equity acquisition and holding firm that functions as the parent company for subsidiaries purchase or created through business development. The purpose of this startup is to allow individual investors the opportunity to be apart of the organization’s as if they are part of the decision making process. WW& J believes that all investors are board members. Our investors will help and shape the Mission and Goals of WW& J. The team here at WW& J will set the programs for understanding to the investors, and the investor will then come to an conscientious decision to move forward on a particular program or business develop project.


WW&J Holdings works with brokers that are in the area of selling companies from a technological, engineering, manufacturing, etc. perspective, but more importantly, looking at organization that are a fit to represent our goals and objectives criteria. WW& J”s 4 missions are as follows:



To purchase, capitalize, and grow small to mid-level size sector businesses that have established high growth potential in their perspective industry and market.


Promote growth by way of acquiring companies for expansion in sectors such as Engineering/Operations, Media/Communications, Community Development, Hospitality, Education and Higher learning, Information Technology, Health Services(includes Insurances and Pharmaceuticals), and Banking.



Manage Product, Service, Technology, and Research and Development to ensure these acquisitions become the next generation of highly regarded operationally driven companies in future global competitive market.


Leverage investment opportunities in the marketplace by continuously synergize current and future acquisitions.


  • To manage small to midsize companies worldwide (Revenues between ($2M . $10M)

  • Grow these companies to make them competitive and profitable.

  • Meet financial targets to allow them to be successful.

  • To be one of the best business leaders in the world.


  • Major Holder (Wholly Owned) of small to midsize highly Market Value Analysis corporations;

  • Mergers/Acquisition of growth oriented companies – Asset Management

  • Support Earned Income Ventures/Start‐ups in specified sectors; and

  • Develop Economic Community Co‐Partnership Initiatives.


Focus on acquiring small and midsize companies in technology Engineering/Operations, Media/Communications, Community Development, Hospitality, Education and Higher learning, Information Technology, Health Services(includes Insurances and Pharmaceuticals), and Banking with evidence of strong growth projections and strong supply chain model. Also, its sales revenue must range between $2M-$10M with EBITDA of at least 25-30%.

Following up with later with revenue ranges in the $20M-$50M. WW&J will later want to own equity shares of large revenue producing companies. Develop partnership agreements with other liked organization that want to do business with WW&J.

Lastly, create business development ideas that will promote growth by way of solving social problems through science and technology.



Through synergy of the organization purchased, Walton Williams and Jones Holdings will look for potential merging opportunities to create a business model that will allow full circle economics within all our companies.


Subsidiaries L.C. Works (Business Development and Manufacturing) and LDbase Theory (Information Technology) will lead the charge of change in the engineering and operations opportunity. More to come as WW&J looks to acquire a few companies to ignite and launch both companies.


Underdevelopment, WWJ believes there is an opportunity in this pace where we can lead to improve on the current state of Media and communication. Todays content in these realms are stagnated. More to come as we plan to start by entering the Music following by News.


We are here to help and serve all communities we have a place of business. We want to provide opportunities for all as well as show leadership in regards to delighting the community and people who live there.

EDUCATION and higher learning

WW&J’s will be working with our local city governments to support in the education and higher learning. Our program is to look at certain public schools in the area and if agreed by localities, turn some of the public schools and privatize them. The goal is strength the education to prepare existing and future students for new opportunities that will arise in the future. If its entreprenauralship or college bound, we will support student endeavors without no cost to the student.

health services

Under development WW&J and its subsidiary, providing a health care to our associates is top one. We will ensure that partnership with our local healthcare providers will provide the best services at low cost.

Political & Governmental Domestic and Foreign Affairs

WWJ is looking to engage itself as a leader in the political sector. At the same time, we want establish a renew focus on polictics that will help WWJ win when it comes to our agenda in support of all the things we want to accomplish.