
Investment Opportunities for Individuals who want risk Headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Walton Williams & Jones Holdings (WW& J) is a Private Equity acquisition and holding firm that functions as the parent company for subsidiaries purchased by WW& J. WW& J also focuses on business development as well. The purpose of this startup is to allow individual investors the opportunity to be apart of the organization’s as if they were part of the decision making process. WW& J believes that all investors are board members. Our investors will help and shape the Mission and Goals of WW& J. The team here at WW& J will set the programs for understanding to the investors, and the investor will then come to an conscientious to move forward on a particular program or business develop decision.

Mission Statement:

WW&J Holdings will work with brokers that are in the area of selling companies from technology, engineering, manufacturing, etc, but also will fit in our goals and objectives criteria. WW& J”s 4 missions are as follows: To purchase, capitalize, and grow small to mid-level size sector businesses that have established high growth potential in their perspective industry and market. Promote growth by way of acquiring companies for expansion in sectors such as Engineering/Operations, Media/Communications, Community Development, Hospitality, Education and Higher learning, Information Technology, Health Services(includes Insurances and Pharmaceuticals), and Banking. Manage Product, Service, Technology, and Research and Development to ensure these acquisitions become the next generation of highly regarded operationally driven companies in future global competitive market. Leverage investment opportunities in the marketplace by continuously synergize current and future acquisitions.


To manage small to midsize companies worldwide (Revenues between ($2M . $10M) Grow these companies to make them competitive and profitable. Meet financial targets to allow them to be successful. To be one of the best business leaders in the world.


Major Holder (Wholly Owned) of small to midsize highly Market Value Analysis corporations; Mergers/Acquisition of growth oriented companies – Asset Management Support Earned Income Ventures/Start‐ups in specified sectors; and Develop Economic Community Co‐Partnerships Initiatives.


Get in touch

We at Harris Ingram know that finding the right attorney to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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Leonard C. Walton

Owner and President of Walton Williams and Jones Holdings Corp. Leonard C Walton is a Husband, Father, and a business owner. I have over 20 years of comprehensive experience in Management, Consulting, Customer Support, Operations, Engineering, Quality, Continuous Improvement, Sales, and as a laborer. My education consists of a Bachelor in Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering with a Masters in Science in Industrial Technology from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. I bring together a concept of process innovation, market innovation, product innovation, factor innovation, and organizational innovation to the workplace. These are forward thinking concepts that I believe are needed to grow any business.

My inspiration for starting this firm was due to the spiritual foundation of my late grandfather Profit Williams and the strength of My wife’s grandfather Pierce Jones. These two men instilled family, hardworking, rights, education, etc.


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Spiritual Founder

Profitte “Pete” Williams

Spencer focuses on the various facets of law that revolve around digital media and technology, whether that’s securing patents and trademarks for wearable tech or negotiating distribution agreements for the now prolific AZL App. Prior to co-founding Harris Ingram, he managed the tech startup accounts for Lee, Wooden & Ziegler LLP. Spencer has represented and advised entrepreneurs on best legal practices for their business for over 15 years.



Spiritual Founder

Pierce “Pick” Jones

For years of Dedicated Service.