HomeSociety is a real estate investment trust company that owns, income-producing real estate. HomeSociety mainly focuses on many types of commercial real estate ranging from office and apartment buildings to warehouses, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels.  The goal is to transform these properties in support the revitalization and community development of cities.  Also, HomeSociety is a nose to tale operation meaning we are real estate firm, brokerage house, and will help with financing on any property.

The law for clarification about RIET’s - Public Law 86-779, sometimes called the Cigar Excise Tax Extension of 1960.[9][10] The law was enacted to give all investors the opportunity to invest in large-scale, diversified portfolios of income-producing real estate in the same way they typically invest in other asset classes – through the purchase and sale of liquid securities. The first REIT was American Realty Trust founded by Thomas J. Broyhill, cousin of Virginia U.S. Congressmen Joel Broyhill in 1961[11] who pushed for the creation under Eisenhower.

If you want to be apart of the RLAC REIT fund, please give us a call @883983492879

Current RIET ventures under review

Investments of $20-30 Million in the City of Hartford, Connecticut for # of Apartments for assest holdings.

ROI in the range of $40-50 Million

Investments of $10-15 Million in the City of New Haven, Connecticut, upgrades for resale of Townhouses and Houses

Reviewing sites in Dayton, Oh; Philadelphia, PA; Baltimore, MD; Atlanta, GA; and Gary, IN